Last month, we began teaching preschoolers that they can make waves that can change the world! July brings even more stories to teach our preschoolers how they can make waves with the help of Jesus. This month we will learn about kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Yes, these can be tough to choose, but when Jesus is my friend forever, Jesus can help me do everything. That is what we want our preschoolers to know. And, when they do choose love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, our preschoolers will make waves that can change the world!
Week One (July 3)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus can help me
choose kindness.The
Good Samaritan • Luke 10:25-37
Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth
and the life.’” John 14:6, NIV
Key Question: Who can help you do everything?
Bottom Line: Jesus
can help me do everything.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus can help me choose kindness. During week one, Jesus tells a story about a man who chose to show kindness to a hurt man even though their families did not get along too well. This man chose kindness, and now he will forever be known as the Good Samaritan.
Week Two (July 10)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus can help me show
God’s goodness. City on a Hill • Matthew 5:14-16
Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth
and the life.’” John 14:6, NIV
Key Question: Who can help you do everything?
Bottom Line: Jesus
can help me do everything.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus can help me show God’s goodness. Week two, we will learn to choose goodness by helping others, sharing what we have, and saying kind words. All of these are wonderful ways we can show God’s goodness to the world. And, when we show God’s goodness, we shine like a light!
Week Three (July 17)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus can help me choose faithfulness. David and Jonathan • I Samuel 20; 2
Samuel 9
Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth
and the life.’” John 14:6, NIV
Key Question: Who can help you do everything?
Bottom Line: Jesus
can help me do everything.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus can help me choose faithfulness. Week three, David shows us what a faithful friend looks like when he helps Jonathan’s family. David made a promise to Jonathan and chooses to be faithful and keep that promise.
Week Four (July 24)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus can help me choose gentleness. Jesus and the Little
Children • Mark
Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth
and the life.’” John 14:6, NIV
Key Question: Who can help you do everything?
Bottom Line: Jesus
can help me do everything.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus can help me choose gentleness. Week four, we get to see Jesus in action as He shows nothing but gentleness towards the children being brought to see Him. When Jesus sees the disciples telling the children to go away, He quickly tells them to stop and to let the little children come to Him.
Week Five (July 31)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus can help me
choose self-control. When Jesus Is Your
Friend Forever • John 3:16
Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth
and the life.’” John 14:6, NIV
Key Question: Who can help you do everything?
Bottom Line: Jesus
can help me do everything.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus can help me choose self-control. We end this amazing journey through the fruit of the Spirit with week five and self-control. Without self control, it’s hard to choose any of the things we have talked about! But, when we choose self-control and say ‘no’ to what we want and ‘yes’ to Jesus, Jesus can help us do everything!